About MathConcept
Incorporated by a group of elite mathematicians and mathematics educators, renowned university education professional, senior teachers and education management professionals, MathConcept has been dedicated in providing all-round learning experiences in mathematics.
“MathConcept Learning Center” was first founded in Olympian City. We currently have several centers in Hong Kong, Macau, Guangzhou, Singapore and Canada, with more than 20,000 students. Till now, MathConcept has developed a sophisticated base of teaching material, with more than 100,000 pages of courseware and 104 publications, satisfying the needs of both local and international school students in Hong Kong covering curriculums from kindergarten to various high school levels.
Since 2019, MathConcept has been developing and enhancing the teaching materials and system specifically for our high school curriculum. To cope with the challenges of the coherent and diversified high school Mathematics curriculum in Hong Kong, we now proudly present “MathConcept College”, which aims at providing professional Mathematics learning in high school level.
All-round Mathematics Training
Vido Lecture
“Video Lecture” are delivered by our experienced instructors according to MathConcept’s well-structured materials, which covers the basic content, key concepts and questions frequently encountered by students in public exams. This is to ensure students are equipped with sufficient background knowledges on the topics concerned for further follow-up in tutorial classes.
- 教材筆記精美易懂,有助同學秒殺概念
- 課堂規劃完善,掌握教學節奏,令同學易於吸收
- 嚴謹設計教學流程,按部就班,毋需追趕進度
- 重點解釋數學概念,拒絕死記硬背
- 運用生活例子,生動解釋抽象概念,助同學迅速理解
- 啟發同學融會貫通,靈活運用不同課題
- 頂級教學團隊,適時按實際情況調整筆記內容
- 導師經驗豐富,深入分析歷屆試題分佈
- 拆解常見題形,對題目有充足準備
- 將複雜的概念簡化,變為容易上手的答題神技
- 掌握問題重點,過濾多餘字眼
- 教授答題要點,取分重質不重量
- 無限次重溫,以便同學往後複習
- 可中途暫停,確保理解清楚
- 隨時隨地觀看,自由安排時間
- 試前模擬試,助同學熟習考試模式,訓練時間運用
- 專業製作試卷,重點回顧課題要點
- 題目程度恰到好處,絕不標榜困難刁鑽以巧立名目
“Tutorial class” allows students to receive guidance according to individualized learning plan designed by their personal instructors. Each learning plan is tailored based on personal ability and progress, which pinpoints weaknesses the student need to solve in order to reach specific learning goals.
- 以小組形式進行個別輔導
- 給予同學充足時間學習及發問
- 小組氣氛融洽,同學們「笑住黎,笑住走」
- 百份百真人上課,重視與學生交流
- 真正認識學生,從而了解其需要
- 導師們不是演員,是良師,亦是益友
- 專業評估同學程度,因材施教
- 按照同學程度,適當擴展Lecture內容
- 難度因人而異,減少同學面對超難題時的挫敗感
- 適當引入應試技巧,課題不只流於概念及理論
- 題庫由具多年經驗的教學團隊編寫
- 題目由淺入深,為同學打好根基
- 涵蓋不同技巧及公開試問法,並非粗製濫造
- 設有多個Time Slot供同學自由調動,以應付不同突發事件
- 可因應需要將課堂集中至同一天,如「試前特訓」
Professional Curriculum Team
Mr. Fan, W T Louis
- Assistant Professor, Indiana University-Bloomington IN, USA
- Visiting Scolar, Harvard University Center of Mathmatcial Sciences and Applications:Cambridge, MA, US
- Ph.D. in Mathematics, University of Washington, USA
- M.Phil. in Math, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
- Bachelor of Science (major in Mathematics), Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Diploma in Education, Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Gold Medalist, 12th Asian Pacific Mathematical Olympiad (2000)
- HK Team member, 41st International Mathematical Olympiad (2000)
Mr. Hung, C W Simon
- Senior Lecturer, Department of Education Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University
- Bachelor of Science, Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Diploma in Education, Chinese University of Hong Kong .,
- M.Ed., Chinese University of Hong Kong
Mr. Ng, P K Eric
- Program director of MathConcept
- Bachelor of Science (major in Mathematics, minor in Statistics), Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Postgraduate Diploma in Education (major in Mathematics), Chinese University of Hong Kong
Mr. Tjong, T Y Chester
- Center Director of MathConcept College
- Bachelor of Science (major in Mathematics), Hong Kong University of Science and Technology